Saturday, March 18, 2006

universal truths learned while traveling

Today it struck me that there are a few things that I have learned while traveling that seem to be universal. As I thought about it I decided to bring it the blog room so that these things can be debated and discussed. Also, I hope it inspires my fellow blog mates to bring their own universal truths to the table. So as of today I am introducing a new component of this blog. It should go as follows:

For each new Universal Truth learned while traveling a number will be assigned. For Example:

Universal Truth Learned While Traveling # 1...and so on.

The universal truths don't have to be too deep. In fact it is encouraged that they're quirky or funny. But, they must inspire some kind of thought or reaction. After that it's open game for the blog mates or blog readers to comment on and discuss.

Let's see how this works. I'll start with the first two. Bennett....I'm counting on you to throw up some because I know you think along these lines. Let's hope this goes well.



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