this is yet another photo series. It's all those what the fu*k moments that Jackie and I witnessed while in Seoul over the weekend. On a side note: I'm feeling like a blog hog...sorry guys. It's been a while since I've been connected to the world wide web...and now that I can get plugged in I'm taking advanatage. is WTF?!? Series #1This one comes from the record digging adventure Jackie and I went on. You can read more about that in my blog. For now, focus on Baekdoosan..the Kings of Rock'n Roll.
. . .what is this banana so happy about? Maybe that in this city...everyone likes apples.
. . .now this is just fu*ked up. A board game about conquering Puerto Rico. Luckily for the Koreans around was made by a American.
. . .still don't know what the deal was with this. But she was nice and possed for a picture.
. . .and finally. Jackie and I got a glimps of what our babies might look like.
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