Friday, August 26, 2005


When we kicked this off...I had no idea what it might look like. But I most certainty hoped it would be something like this. I am so happy to be reading Hilary and Jackie's adventures. It looks like we're doing a lot of reflection right now...which, in my opinion, is what we should be doing. Before I kick this off "proper," I just want to let Jackie and Hilary know that this big trip wouldn't be half of what it is now if I didn't have them in my hearts and by my side. They are two of the most amazingly strong women I know....and I am truly blessed to be out here with them. That we go:

Now of the many things that I have been learning….slang is probably one of those things that I am being constantly schooled on. For instance….Chav is a term used for those kind of people that we, as Americans, commonly view Brits as. It's those guys who wear soccer (football for the rest of the world outside the U.S.) jerseys and drink their brains out, and then go out looking for fights. Now while there are many of these kinds of people...I assure you that not all Brits are like this. Most of them are quiet polite and wouldn't hurt anyone (even when they're drunk....and believe me they know how to drink out here. If drinking were Olympicpic sport...the UK would win gold all the time).

Now one new word that I am very fond of is "Tasty". It isn't a typical slang word, but one that Miles (check his recolabelble at and his buddies used. It can be used for many different thing....but describes something that is vedesirableble...almost delicious. No, it isn't a sexual expression. It's more like..."damn...that song was tasty!" Which is how they often use it. Or, while watchicricketett (like baseball but without bases and the players are all dressed up like they're going out to a country club) a guy makes a very good play...they will say something like "that was tasty."

Now this word is the perfect word to describe the things I heard last night. I should probably keep this under wraps. But let us call it free promotion. Miles, who's my contact here in Brighton, runs a record label that is known to put out many tasty things. Till now, most of the cd's and records have been Afro Beat and Highlife focused. They are about to explore some new territory...and just like the earlier Afro beat releases...this next one is certified gold. They are going to release two new compilations. One on Panamanian grooves and another on Cuban beats. Now for those out there who truly know me....they would say that I have ended up in the right place at the right time.

One thing I must say about Miles and his crew is that they are one, some of tmostose amazing people I have met. Now trust me...I'm not star struck...these guys are by no means super start Dj's....and I'm not very easily star struck. No, these kats are genuine. They have treated me (a complete stranger) like they have known me for 20yrs. Like we grew up together back in the hood. But aside from their personal traits...they know their music. And they sure as hell know how to putcompilationion cd together. Most Dj's look down on comps because it takes away from owning that original album. It takes away from the hunt of that sweet, tasty gem. But sometimes you can't deny when a compilation is good. And the given Soundways track record, these next ones are going to be amazing.

First off. For the mussnobsbbs like me. You can't just put any salsa on an album. Alot of stuff that is made today sounds realprocessedsed and really mastered. it sounds great and polished. But it takes alot of that soul, passion, and beauty away from the music. All the songs I hard last night were raw, unmastered, and full of all that good latin flavor. It is what my parents like to call, "salsa gorda." Meaning: thick, heavy, rich, sweet, tastily, beautiful salsa. The kind of stuff that only thomusicianian who have stuggled a life time to be heard can put out. Each track I heard last night (which was about 12-15) was a pure gem. I have no idea who played don't ask me. But I know that while listening to it I got vivid pictures of tmusiciansaliterallyaly pouring their souls into each and every note that they played. I can hardly wait to see Jackie and Mom's face when I get a hold of thecompilationsons and play it for them. I'm sure it will be inspiring some living room dancing....and it will mocertaintytly shakinging some booties when I drop these hits in the club.

This is what I came here for. To be inspired by crazily, insanely, beautiful music. I wish I could have gone to Cuba for this project. And I wish I though of Panama. But, that is for another years adventure. Right now I am very much enjoying talking music, life, and politics with amazing people. Here in this space. In cramped recolabelble offices. On beautiful beaches. In green parks. Late nights in flats. Hilary was very accurate when she said that this is what it's all about. I feel that we, as Americans, are raised to distrust oneighbor'sors, to live life fast for the purpose of making money. We rarely take the time to say hello to strangers. We rarely take time to meet other people (unless we're looking for...well...romantic interests). I suppose right now I have the luxury of time and money. But I don't see why even when we have to pay the bills and go to work why we can't stop and take sometime to enjoy life, the universe, and everything else. We're always searching fanswersers....and we never stop to have thansweredred.

Ok...I'll get off the philosophical crap. These last three weeks have been amazingly, painfully, terribly, fun. I have learned a great deal about my self, about Jackie, about Hilary, and all the other people that have made this possible. And to think, it has only just been three weeks. This blog is going to be very busy.

Note: The spell check (and god knows I need it) did some funky things to some words. I tried to fix most of them...but I'm not sure if I got them all. Sorry.'ll get the main idea.


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