Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ghana Christmas

So this morning when I woke up I was feeling really sorry for my self. I felt kinda alone and neglected...I know it's really silly...but honestly it's the first Xmas I've spent away from family. So finally after a few hours of doing nothing...I decided to come here. I needed to get out and do something with my self...not really sure what. As I hailed a taxi I realized...this dude is working on Xmas eve. So I asked...hey...are you working on Xmas also. He said he didn't know. If he made enough money to cover himself for tomorrow, then he wouldn't. But he said it was unlikely because most people were with their families today.

So it made me thing of all those people who can't really just take it easy on Xmas. Not those just here in Ghana, but pretty much everywhere. I realize...that despite the fact that I'm away from family this christmas, I'm pretty damn lucky to have a family to spend it with...even if it isn't my own. It also made me wonder a little about Nii's family. I wondered if they miss Nii. I wondered if it was weird having some random Puerto Rican in their house for Christmas (well...not entierly random...but most people would agree pretty random).

In many ways, Christmas has really lost it's true meaning. Not just for what it stands for Biblically, as the symbolic birth day of Christ, but also what it means in general, as a day that you spend with family and friends. Most people stress out during this time of year because they can't decided what to get for little Sara and can't remember if Uncle Bob's kid was 3 or 4...which apparently makes a difference when you shop for gifits. We put so much on the gift giving and build it up...and most times it's a huge disappointment. I mean, even the Christians have forgotten what it really means. Jackie was telling me about how the conservative christian right has been fliping out because they feel that people who say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas are trying to wipe out Christmas into extinction. Now does it really make that much of a difference to Jesus if you say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

In a way, being away from home this Christmas has made thing simpler and easier...and has reminded me of what I really do miss about this holiday...cause even my family has forgotten what Christmas is really about. For last few years I've seen Mom try her hardest to make Christmas fun for everyone and then Dad at the last minute finds a way to spoil it...every family has their Grinch. But I think this happens because we put so much on one day. As if only on this one day a year we can act like a family and treat each other lovingly. No, I miss the days when we did things as a family; we went out to buy the tree together, we decorated it together, you know things like that.

This adventure has certainly been a humbling experience in so many ways. I realize how many things I take for granted. I'm only a few months into it, but already the growing has been painfuly fun. Now that the holiday seasons is almost over, I think the worst of the home sickness should be over...although I don't want to speak to soon. Although after February things should be nice...I'll be doing some advernture travelign with Hilary and Jackie....two of my favorite people on this planet. For now...I wish friends and family the best...and in the sprit of trying to wipe out Christmas as we know it...Happy Holidays to all.


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