Sunday, May 21, 2006

Traveling Tip: Underpacking and Gifts

Underpack! You will buy stuff! You can always find clothes..unless you're in Ghana. Even then, it was easy to have clothes made. You can usually find whatever you need in terms of toiletries, etc. So, underpack and use either ziplock baggies to organize or those cool travel bags that go in your huge bag to comparmentalize (Hilary knows more on this one).

Gifts. Though it somewhat may contradict with the whole underpacking idea, it might be helpful to have little things with you to give people --i.e. Kristofer's impromptu gift for people is music mixes. Me...whatever I pick up in one country, I've given to someone in another country: jewelry, cards, tea. I usually end up giving my own stuff...even gave two women in Cairo my shampoo and conditioner. In other words, also be ready to give something of your own. You yourself will receive plenty of stuff from other people, too. That should also fall under Universal Traveling Truths.


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